15 septiembre 2008

Amnesia, espacio creativo

Amnesia consiste en un espacio alternativo que albergará nuevas y experimentales propuestas escénicas. Su principal objetivo es revelar y compartir el panorama de las generaciones emergentes vinculadas a la danza y al movimiento. Es importante destacar que contaremos con la presencia internacional de dos grandes maestros de la danza contemporánea; Janet Charleston (Estados Unidos) y Alonso Alarcón (México) impartiendo clases magistrales.
Hacemos un llamado a los que quieran presenciar y participar de esta gran fiesta.

Amnesia reunirá en un solo día diversas actividades experimentales e interdisciplinarias generando una instancia muy interesante tanto para el mundo de la danza como para todos los participantes.
Éste se llevara a cabo el 29 de Noviembre en el Centro Cultural Anandamapu ubicado en San Cristóbal 508, Recoleta (metro Cerro Blanco). Estan todos invitados!

convocatoria, programación e inscripción en

residencias y becas

Programa de Residencias Artísticas en el Centro de Arte La Granja, Estado de
México. Convocatoria 2009.

carrera de danza de UNIACC busca talento joven

02 septiembre 2008

Convocatoria para escuelas y compañias, Barcelona

Call for Dance Schools/Groups:

Interested in performing in Europe?
Dear Choreographers/Directors/Dancers friends and colleagues,

The Directors of Barcelona Dance Award, present the International Dance Competitions for Dance Schools/Companies
and invite your dance group to performing at the most prestigious dance eventin Europe the next 2009 season.

BARCELONA DANCE AWARD - from 9th to 13th April 2009 in Barcelona (SPAIN)
and DANCE GRAND PRIX from 18th to 22nd June 2009 in Italy and in Paris (France).
For the past few years, acceptance to our annual festivals has been extremely competitive, please prepare your application promptly according to the guidelines, we look forward to receiving your applications.

We kindly ask you to help us distribute our news through your electronic network or printing out and hanging our postage/news/material up at public places at your eventual dance hall or studio.

organizer E-Mail:

our updated Web Site:
We are looking forward to hear from your comments!

Best wishes,

We invites you to submit applications for this exciting 2009 Festivals/Competitions:

We encourage modern/ballet dance emerging and established choreographers/companies to apply.

Designed to showcase/competition the work of approximately 50 emerging and established dance schools/
companies from all over the World, in marathon-like performances. The 2009 DANCE COMPETITIONS is an integral
part of the larger Annual dance Award Europe curated by W.R Dancefestival Association the program will represent the freshest and most original emerging contemporary dance artists.
The audience has the opportunity to enjoy up to 6-7 different companies in each hour of programming, evening and daytime weekend performances.

We look forward to your participation and I hope to see you at the next DANCE CONTEST! come with us to
our next step, Travel, Dance, Compete, and enjoy the best Old Wood stage TheatreS in EUROPE.

I'm inviting the "Dance Directors" who are willing to invest in themselves and who are interested in expanding their knowledge of other cultures, as well as promoting their work abroad, says Mr. Marcelo Barbieri I'm looking for "Dance Groups" who see this thrilling event as an opportunity to benefit their professional development.

The Directors will have an opportunity to network and attend all performances by groups from all over the world.

To find out how to qualifye mail the office space is limited, so "Dance Directors" should act right away.


This exciting trip will give dancers and students an excellent opportunity to present their work, to network with directors, producers, other artists, (hopefully to negotiate new engagements!) to compete and win the awards with the own performances.

The Dance Grand Prix Festival literally draws thousands of people from all across Europe and other parts
of the world, the festival is a thrilling extravaganza of hundreds of artists performing dance, theater and music within awonderful aod stage theatre near the famous EU Art Cities, courtyards, outdoor cafes and the hotel
accomodations on the beach of the MEDITERRANEUM coast this truly promises to be an unforgettable experience.
Choreographers, dancers and chaperones will receive hotel three star accommodations in twin beds rooms with bathroom/shower.

We provide an entire and complete production package which includes excellent theaters, lighting, sound, technical assistance, publicity, pre-show rehearsal arrangements, and printed programs and poster advise all over the city.
Our managers will meet your dance groups on the "Welcome Bus Service" in the meeting pointe airport.

I look forward to your participation and I hope to see you at the next festival.

Have questions? Please email us and in a few days you will receive some advertising materials from us, the new brochures and posters of the Dance Awards free on charges for you:
please fax or e.mail the request at:

Our web site:
Full Name:____________________________________________

School/Company Name: ________________________________



Email Address:________________________________________* REQUIRED FIELD

Shipping Address:_____________________________________

City:____________________ State/Province:_______________

Country:________________________ ZIP/Postal:___________

You are receiving this e-mail because I believe you to be interested in developing your artistic career.

work in progress Luis Corvalan

Luis Corvalán presentará laboratorio escénico:
Destacado coreógrafo y bailarín dictará, además, seminario de danza en técnica contemporánea.

Durante este fin de semana el coreógrafo y bailarín Luis Corvalán presentará ³Proyecto Power Pointsss² en la sala escenalborde, un work in progress que, según explica, es ³un proyecto que está en constante transformación, una especie de laboratorio escénico que busca varias cosas a la vez².

Según el bailarín, este laboratorio o work in progress ­ que nace a principios del 2008 en el marco de su formación en la Universidad de Lyon Lumier 2 - toma como puntos de tensión dos discursos políticos - el último de Salvador Allende y el primero de Augusto Pinochet- se utiliza el lenguaje para generar un discurso escénico, que va más allá de la reinterpretación de dos momentos históricos, ³ lo que se busca es deconstruir la palabra y construirla a través del gesto.²

Además de las funciones en la sala, Luis Corvalán dictará en escenalborde un Seminario en Técnica Contemporánea, dirigido a intérpretes de danza, bailarines o actores. Éste se estructurará en un bloque de trabajo técnico de movimiento y otro de ejercicios escénicos, dando la oportunidad para discutir en torno al tema propuesto "ser - estar, en la escena². Al respecto, el bailarín señala que se busca reflexionar acerca del cuerpo y el movimiento contemporáneo, es decir, utilizar la técnica contemporánea para comprender el cuerpo que se lleva hoy en día.

³Proyecto Power Pointsss² con funciones el viernes 22, sábado 23 de agosto a las 21 hrs. y domingo 24 de agosto a las 20 hrs. / Entrada única $ 1.000.-

Seminario en técnica contemporánea
viernes 29, sábado 30 y domingo 31 de agosto.
Inscripciones hasta el 28 de agosto.

Sala escenalborde (Aldunate #1672).
Más información al 2595961 o info@escenalborde.cl

Festival de danza estudiantil

La Corporación Ballet Arte Moderno de Santiago de Chile, tiene el agrado de convocar a los estudiantes del sistema educacional de la Región Metropolitana, específicamente de los cursos comprendidos desde 4° básico a 4° medio, a inscribir sus obras en danza, cualquier estilo o formato; para participar en el “3er Festival estudiantil de Danza” iniciativa favorecida por los fondos para el desarrollo de la cultura y las artes FONART 2008.

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