16 enero 2008

Programa de Formación en Danza Terapia en el extranjero

The Dance Therapy Program at the 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center provides courses for the DTR Alternate Route Training, CEUs for current dance therapists, and introductory courses for professionals from other disciplines. The focus is on the roots of dance therapy in dance, the language of movement as experience and expression and clarity in approach to methods. Special offerings focus on children and clients with disabilities.

Courses meet the guidelines of the American Dance Therapy Association for alternate route training and academic credit may be earned through Empire State College. For further information or to set up an interview contact Renata Celichowska, HDC Director by email
or 212.415.5555.

Download Application for Dance Therapy [PDF]

All Dance Therapy courses at the 92nd Street Y can be taken for undergraduate and graduate credit through SUNY Empire State College for an additional fee.

Dance Therapy Courses
Methods in Dance/Movement Therapy II
Dance Therapy and Focusing
Introduction to Dance Therapy
Dance Movement Psychotherapy: Infants and Young Children

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